
Happy Birthday, Robert!

Happy Birthday, Robert!

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...
I love you on your very best,
and every worst of days.
I love to watch you sleeping
tucked away in your dreams,
I love to hear you whisper
all your future hopes and dreams!
I'm happy whe you're happy
I'm sorry when you're sad,
and even though it may not show
I love you when you're bad.
I love to see you laughing
and dancing in the rain,
and even if you make a mess
I love you just the same!
I love to hear you sing,
I love to see you smile,
I love the way you take each day
in your own unhurried style.
I love to watch you play
and all your silly ways.
I'm sure you'll never know,
how much I love you more each day...