
Highlights of my week

So far, this week has been great and these are the reasons why...

  • I started working at Skeviks Gård
  • getting to know all my new workmates and so far, they're all great!!!
  • lots of SNOW!!
  • recovering some pictures from my busted Smart Media card
  • talking to my cousin Paul who's in Bahrain and making dreamy plans on when to meet up
  • talking with Tita Babie over the phone endlessly and making plans for our next trip to SF
  • talking with Grandmom and Tita Ann over the phone endlessly (but getting green with envy since they're in Cebu right now and enjoying the sun & all the food!!)
  • getting a present from Robert which he made himself
  • getting Quickutz dies in the mail
  • our wedding anniversary, which is today

I hope your week is just as great!